June 2020

The Devil Wears Prada: maybe we shouldn’t.

If you’ve seen the Devil Wears Prada, you’re probably familiar with this scene. Andy, walking by that fountain and tossing her phone in it, silencing it from Miranda’s calls once...

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When Work isn’t a Burden

"Musicians don’t retire, they stop when there’s no more music in them.” Quentin Tarantino called it one of his favorite movies of 2015. There were no stunts, no fight scenes...

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Simplicity? There’s no such thing

People can have opposing opinions about a great number of things. Summer is here and you find people arguing over which season is best, which fruit reigns supreme, and if...

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COVID-19: The Ultimate Drill

Agility helps performance in activities that require you to change direction quickly whilst keeping balance, strength, speed and body control. Although speed and power can benefit, agility, the main improvements in performance...

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