

Do you ever feel that what stands between you and your dream job is not your lack of passion, but your lack of motivation? You may feel that you know what you want to do, but you find yourself simply unable to develop the energy and willpower needed to achieve your daily objectives, to use...

Leader vs Boss

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. —Max DePree Leadership is probably one of the most sought after traits in human history. Human civilisation has appreciated it across centuries, each era in its own way. Whether it’s leading...

Are you an Introvert? II

Previously we were talking about what are the signs if you’re an introvert, this is the second and last instalment of the series. 5)  Too much of good thing is, well too much Not only are large gatherings in public exhausting for you, they keep you from actually engaging or enjoying yourself with anyone because...

Are you an introvert?

Recently, the contrast of introversion and extroversion has become quite known amongst people, particularly on social media. We’ve become acquainted with the notions of a person being physiologically wired to be psychologically different. The way we understand our relationships with each other, has been fundamentally altered since we started to learn more about our psychology....

Are you a conscious parent?

“Look how she’s raising her child! I’ll never do this when I have my own child !!” How many of us have criticized others on their parenting styles, including our own parents, yet when our turn came, we found ourselves doing the exact same things we promised ourselves we would never do? How many of...

Education: what’s really at stake

You’re the apple of my eye That’s how the song goes about children. A parent’s love for their child is unfathomable and cannot be understood without having waded into the experience of being a parent. When you ask a parent what it’s like, inevitably and unmistakably, there is a lot of pain and struggle. It...