
How To Empower Women At Work

Encouraging diversity and empowering women in the workplace is one of the most important aspects of creating long-term employees. Not only does women empowerment positively impact a firm's overall performance and culture, but it also impacts their position in society as a whole.  Benefits of Women Empowerment at Work:  Closing gender gap reduces poverty  Giving...

The Importance of Team Bonding

Bonding with coworkers is not only important for the efficiency of the firm, but it’s also important for the mental and emotional wellbeing of employees. Like a cycle, emotional wellbeing and efficiency inevitably impact each other. Team bonding is defined as the process of a team learning how to trust and communicate with one another....

The Power of Consistency

By definition, consistency is the state of behaving in a uniform manner. This uniform manner can lead to a specific outcome, and if it’s positive, then the outcome will be a desirable one. Our habits, lifestyles, actions, and decisions can change our lives if they’re consistent. From a professional lens, consistency means providing the same...

Integrity at the Workplace

Having integrity means having moral and strong values that guide your actions without having an expectation of receiving an award for doing them. It means doing what is right when no one is watching because your motivation is not for the approval of others, but out of a deep desire to stick to your principles....

The Culture of Accountability

Accountability is being held responsible for one’s actions and behaviors. In addition to actions and behaviors, having a culture of accountability in the workplace includes being held responsible for one’s ability to achieve goals or complete tasks. The word has negative connotations, but it does not always have to be a negative thing. When used...

What Is Professionalism And Why Is It Important?

Professionalism reflects a set of qualities and behaviors exhibited by a person in the workplace that demonstrate their commitment to deliver high quality and efficiency in a given job. It’s important to have a professional attitude in the workplace, because not only does it land you the job, but it allows you to thrive in...