The Power of Consistency

The Power of Consistency

By definition, consistency is the state of behaving in a uniform manner. This uniform manner can lead to a specific outcome, and if it’s positive, then the outcome will be a desirable one. Our habits, lifestyles, actions, and decisions can change our lives if they’re consistent. From a professional lens, consistency means providing the same standard and the same quality of work for a long period of time. This is what builds the reputation of a trustable brand. When clients and other firms see you maintaining a certain standard and level when it comes to your work, you prove that you are reliable. 

As an individual, being inconsistent can endanger goals and visions that we have. Inconsistency can also come across as flakiness to other people, which will impact other people’s willingness to commit to you, which will ultimately impact your social circle. 

As an employee, it’s important that you are consistent because inconsistency can stress out coworkers and prevent them from communicating with you. This kind of uncertainty negatively impacts communication and teamwork. Consistency in one’s personal life pours into one’s professional life as well. You represent your firm, and your degree of consistency will reflect that of your organization. 

Tips to Achieve Consistency at the Workplace: 

1- Celebrate small wins 

A way to stay consistent is to set small goals and reward yourself when you reach them. What do your goals look like? Are they realistic? A way to stay encouraged to keep moving towards your goals is to celebrate the small wins. In your personal life, that may look like rewarding yourself for breaking free from a bad habit for a certain number of days. In your professional life, it may look like accomplishing a difficult task. Giving yourself, and others, a pat on the back every now and then is an excellent way to stay consistent. 

2- Create a routine 

Some may say that routines are boring, but creating a schedule for yourself is the easiest way to start. In your personal life, this routine can look a lot like scheduling time for a workout on specific days of the week to take care of your physical health. In your professional life, this can look a lot like meeting regularly with your team to discuss goals, actions, and targets. Meeting regularly as a team to reflect and discuss performance enhances communication and productivity. Knowing what is working for your organization, and making a point to maintain it, is what leads to consistency. 

3- Don’t depend on motivation 

It’s good to look for ways to stay motivated, but discipline is needed on days where all motivation is lost. They say that motivation alone cannot sustain dreams and goals because it is fleeting. Consistency cannot thrive in an environment that is uncertain. A consistent person doesn’t need motivation, they need discipline. The work they deliver doesn’t depend on how they feel, but it is led by a sense of urgency rather than a desire. Make it a statement to push yourself to work for your goals even on the days where you can’t. You will look back and thank yourself for it! 

4- Never over-promise 

Don’t make goals and commitments that you can’t keep. Making a promise and not following through with it can mark your reputation as an unreliable person. On a personal level, you will give people expectations that you can’t meet, which will lead to disappointment. On a professional level, not delivering on time or delivering with low quality ultimately ruins your chances at being consistent. 

Reflection Questions: 

– Are my goals realistic? 

– Do I give up on my goals easily? 

– In what areas in my life do I need self-discipline? 

– Who can hold me accountable on my journey to consistency?

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